Have you ever wondered what your own movie would look like? Imagine a website that generates your own movie poster in just a few seconds. That’ s what Mi Peli con Club Cinépolis is all about.
- Website
Mi peli - Club Cinépolis

About the project
This website was designed especially for Club Cinépolis members. It allows them to review their year in the cinema in an attractive and fun way by creating a personalized poster for them based on their data: Cinematic tastes and the movies they saw during the year. The site also classifies the fans according to their level of fanatism and allows them to share their posters on social media.
- 01. UX/UI design
- 02. UX writing
- 03. Development

Our job
Our job consisted in taking the idea presented to us by Cinépolis and making it a reality. With that goal in mind, we created the user journey. We designed two experiences: One for those who were already members of Club Cinépolis and a different one for those whose data we didn’t have.
We planned and designed each section carefully and we used artificial intelligence to generate the illustrations corresponding to each movie. We worked along with the Cinépolis team to adjust the tone and voice so it represented them in the best possible way.
Once the design was ready, we developed the frontend and backend of the site. The last but not least step was to test the site to ensure that it was clear, easy to use and smooth.

The final result
The result is an agile, colorful, easy-to-use site that inspires cinema fans to keep coming to Cinépolis theaters to continue enjoying their hobby and to share their year at Club Cinépolis with everyone on social media.